A brain injury can be an overwhelming experience for survivors and family members. Even though every brain injury is uniquely different, the information and resources available on these pages should provide the foundation for better understanding and coping with the condition.

Family Helpline: 800-444-6443

Survivors with moderate brain injury may require caregiver support, either temporary or longer-term, and survivors with severe brain injury will almost certainly require the assistance of a caregiver – sometimes on a 24×7 basis for the remainder of his or her life. Whether limited or intensive, short-term or long-term, assumed by a paid professional or by a family member, the role of a caregiver is one of enormous responsibility and commitment.

Caregivers may either be professionals who typically work for a home health care agency, or they may be a survivor’s family member or friend. Cost and finances, insurance benefits, extent of disability and need, family work and home commitments, and other issues often determine which is the appropriate choice. Since family members assume most caregiving responsibility in many instances, the resources below are primarily directed toward that group. One of the major challenges for family caregivers – given the hours, tasks, issues, and resulting stress involved – is ensuring they take care of themselves and avoid burnout, as well as their own mental and physical health issues.


BIAMI hosts events annually that provide caregivers with the opportunity to learn more about brain injury, improve the quality of life for their survivors and themselves, learn about the legal complications faced by people with brain injuries and their families, meet with their state legislators, and connect with other caregivers.


Caregiver Tips and Resources

Living with Brain Injury Booklet

A brief and basic guide to dealing with brain injury – for survivors, families, caregivers, and friends – is available at no cost by either downloading the PDF or requesting a mailed copy from the BIAMI.

We know caregivers need support too, which is why our support groups are open to caregivers as well.

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Complete list of support groups.

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Michigan Resource Guide

A comprehensive listing of state and community resources, agencies, and services, the Michigan Resource Guide is an invaluable aid for individuals and families dealing with traumatic brain injury and related disorders. You can download it at no cost at the link above.