Oct 18, 2017 | Facilities
Program Description
Communicare Michigan is a comprehensive rehabilitation program serving individuals with traumatic brain injury and other cognitive impairments through outpatient, in-home, and community-based rehabilitation services.
Brad Russell
Director of Community Relations
Phone: 248-825-7212
Fax: 1-888-815-1956
Email: brussell@communicaremichigan.com
Website: http://www.communicaremichigan.com/
2501 Rochester Court, Troy, Michigan 48083
Oct 18, 2017 | Facilities
Program Description
Aegis Health Perspectives, Inc. provides superior, specialized home care with nursing and high tech aide care for spinal cord injured persons and/or persons who suffer from the devastation of a chronic neuromuscular disorder. Aegis supports the individual while promoting the personal dignity of each client, and facilitates a long term trusting relationship between our employees and clients for life long care.
Trista Kalous
Director of Operations
Phone: (248) 615-1730
Fax: (248) 615-1830
Email: trista@aegishp.com
Website: http://www.aegishp.com/
38019 Schoolcraft Road, Livonia, MI 48150