Hope Network Neuro Rehabilitation (East Lansing)

Program Description

Hope Network Neuro Rehabilitation provides post-hospital rehabilitation services and specialized medical care for those who have sustained a brain or spinal cord injury, or other neurological condition. A range of services and customized therapy plans help people make the best comeback possible.


Admissions Department

Phone: (855) 407-7575

Fax: (616) 942-7130

Email: comebacks@hopenework.org

Website: https://www.hopenetwork.org/neuro-rehab/


2775 East Lansing Drive, East Lansing, MI 48823

Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan

Program Description

DMC Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan (RIM), a national leader in brain injury rehabilitation, provides comprehensive inpatient and outpatient programs. RIM houses the Southeastern Michigan Traumatic Brain Injury System, one of only 16 centers of excellence in the country for the care and research of those with brain injury.


Sherri Wirick

Phone: (313) 745-1203



Website: https://www.rimrehab.org/


261 Mack Boulevard, Detroit, MI 48201

Willowbrook Rehabilitation Services

Program Description

Community based brain injury rehabilitation program with tiered living support and interdisciplinary on site therapy program. Therapy services include PT, OT, SLP, TR, Voc, BA, SW and SA counseling. Long term/enrichment programming also available.


Kathleen Coll
Admissions Director

Phone: (810) 227-0119

Fax: (810) 227-0801

Email: kcoll@willowbrookrehab.com

Website: http://www.willowbrookrehab.com/


7200 Challis Rd Brighton MI 48116

Verde Valley Rehabilitation

Program Description

Verde Valley services persons 18 years and older with catastrophic injuries, specializing in traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries. Verde Valley provides 24 hour care and supervision for both short and long term needs. Admissions are based on the following criteria:

  1. Must have a need for services, skills and physical accommodations provided by home
  2. Medically stable
  3. Resident must be non-ventilator dependent
  4. Willing to participate in S.T.A.R.S. (Structured Therapy and Rehab Strategy) individualized programming
  5. Documentation of current TB screening (within 30 days) prior to admission
  6. Must be compatible with current population
  7. Accepted payer sources: Michigan Auto No-Fault Catastrophic Care Funding, Workman’s Compensation or Private Pay


Dr. Dan Duffy

Phone: (810) 659-6097

Fax: (810) 659-6198

Email: dduffy.verdevalley@gmail.com

Website: http://www.verdevalleyrehab.com/


8163 Coldwater Road, Flushing, MI 48433

University of Michigan Med Rehab

Program Description

Comprehensive interdisciplinary neurorehabilitation programs designed to foster functional recovery/adaptation to brain injury/stroke/disease. Individual-centered assessment/treatment emphasizing return to school, work, community activities and family well-being.


Deborah Hemmeter

Phone: (734) 998-7888



Website: http://www.uofmhealth.org/


355 Briarwood Circle Building 4 Ann Arbor, MI 48108